If you’re an expert in nutrition business, then you can earnestly share your knowledge by writing an eBook. The greatest satisfaction for a nutritionist, an RDN, a health and wellness coach is to get their eBook published. Moreover, it gives immense pleasure when you make that first sale. Writing a book is not a joke […]

As a web designer, it’s very important to strike an equilibrium between business and art. And when you are designing a website for a registered dietitian and nutritionist (RDN), then you must give equal importance to every element be it design or boosting conversion rate. Website is a business tool, so it’s highly recommended that […]

A few days back, I had a meeting with my prospective client who is a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist. While discussing, she mentioned that she had bought a space for her clinic, however, was anxiously waiting for her business to kick start at a skyrocketing pace. Interestingly, she had set out on a business adventure […]

At one point of time, we all need a wellness coach to shape our dysfunctional life. Wellness Coaching helps us abundantly to become healthier, fitter and boosts our daily energy. Wellness Coaching impacts our lifestyle for the long run and doesn’t provide quick solutions. However, I have realized that every career as its own set […]